At Thomson Coooper we are experts in helping people find the correct solution to deal with problem debt whether personal or corporate debt.
In Scotland there are several debt solutions available to help someone who is struggling with problem personal debt.
A Moratorium – can be put in place to stop creditors from taking action for six months under current emergency legislation.
The Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) - allows you to repay your debts over several years, freezing interest and charges and protecting assets.
A Trust Deed – an agreement between you and your creditors to pay back an affordable amount, usually over four years. There is an element of debt relief. Assets may be at risk.
Bankruptcy (Sequestration) – involves transferring your assets into the care of a Trustee; appointed to pay off your creditors as far as this is possible. If able, you would expect to make a contribution for four years.
For more information see our useful selection of video blogs Re-set your debt with TC Debt Solutions
Or if you would like to speak with someone in confidence contact
Ian Brown
Senior Insolvency Manager
Phone: 01383 628814
Mob: 07519 124657