Edinburgh Business Blog
Strategies for Business Growth in Edinburgh (Scotland)

As a fully trained, supportive debt advisor with 12 years of experience working in Insolvency, I deliver debt solutions to Individuals, Sole Traders and Partnerships who have problem debt using the Debt Arrangement Scheme and Business Debt Arrangement Scheme. Discretion is assured.
I work with clients to understand their particular situation and discuss the options available to help them clear their debt. Even in the most challenging circumstances we find a solution that allows clients to move forward with their lives.
I also provide personal insolvency advice relating to Trust Deeds and Sequestration (Bankruptcy) and have previous experience in Corporate Insolvency advisory services.
Part of my role at Thomson Cooper is Business Development and I am a member of various networking groups across Central Scotland. If you would like to get in touch, please email ibrown@thomsoncooper.com.