Edinburgh Business Growth Blog | Edinburgh Connections

5 ways to improve your visual communication | Edinburgh Connections

Written by Edinburgh Connections | 15 April 2019 17:57:36 Z
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Photography for business is all about effectively communicating your message to your target market. Images provide a business with context, credibility, authenticity as well as increasing engagement and online rankings.

  • Focus on your target market. What do they like? Where are they going to look for your product? What do they want to see when they find you? And sometimes even more importantly, what do they not want to see? Target what the potential client wants to see.
  • Understand your USP. What are your values, products, services and what is important, unique, defining about them? Use images to tell the story of your business, demonstrate the quality of your work, start a conversation with your potential clients.
  • Add metadata to your images to increase your online ranking and make finding you easier.
  • Think about the dimensions and orientation of the image. Style images for specific platforms, website or print media.
  • Know your limitations. If you’re not sure how to take images that represent your business and talk to your target market ask for help or hire a professional photographer.

If you would like to learn more about visual communication please sign up to my newsletter at www.clairewatson.co.uk.

Claire Watson Photography
